Chesterfield Island DXpedition, 2015 (OC-176)

Press Release #4

on .

The TX3X project is progressing well. Eleven of the twelve team members met at the International DX Convention, Visalia. We are pleased to make several significant announcements.

On-Island Team:

Invariably, scheduling a DX-pedition requires team members to make commitments which sometimes conflict with unforeseen business / family activities.  Joining the team:

David Greenhut N6HD

An active DXer and contester, David first earned his Novice license call WN6ICK in 1974, he now holds an Amateur Extra license. His amateur radio interests are DX, contesting and emergency communications. He enjoys building his amateur radio station, working new countries and serving the community. David's current station is an Icom 756 Pro III, Henry Amp., 4 element Steppir with a single 40 meter trombone element, 80 meter dipole, 160 meter series/shunt loaded 60 foot tower and various VHF/UHF equipment. Previous DX operations include: 2013 T33A Banaba Island, 2012 NH8S Swains Island, 2011 4X/N6HD, and TG7/N6HD - KH6/N6HD.

Walt Wilson N6XG

Walt is an experienced DX-peditioner and contester. His most recent DX-pedition was TX5K Clipperton Island. He was licensed as a Novice in 1959 as WV6HUR. His introduction to radio was a 40M dipole, single tube oscillator/transmitter and an entry level Heath receiver. He subsequently upgraded to WA6HUR and in the 80s to the call of N6XG.  He is a member of the Northern California Contest Club.
Upon retirement he travelled and operated extensively throughout the world on vacation style DXpeditions. In 2001 he joined “Team Vertical” and has been on five Dxpeditions to 6Y and 2 DXpeditions to C6.
Walt’s current interests are contesting, physical fitness, travel, and business consulting. He lives in Los Altos Hills, CA with his wife.

Alan Maenchen AD6E

First licensed in 1962 as WN6BID upgraded to General in 1963 and became WB6BID, was QRT for many years after high school. About 1980 regained interest in the hobby and bought a QRP rig, started chasing DX with 5W and a low dipole.  Current station includes a K3, P3, Acom 2000, and another K3, TenTek Hercules II.

Member of the Northern California Contest Club, chairman of the California QSO Party (see for 10 years, and was initial chairman of the CWops CW OPEN competition

DX operations include: AD6E/KH9,  4M7X, KH6, DL0MB, TI9M, K7C (Kure), P29NI, 3D2C (Conway), T33A.  Alan lives in Hawaii.

News from our Corporate Sponsors:


Elecraft founders Eric Swartz WA6HHQ and Wayne Burdick N6KR will loan the team six K3 / KPA-500 stations for the DX-pedition.


Tim Duffy K3LR and the DX-Engineering team are donating a significant inventory of necessary equipment, including coax, RF connectors, power supplies, telescoping masts, and other essential equipment.

Tom Schiller founder of is providing his Evolution Series of vertical antennas to the project. Tom’s antennas have been used on many DX-peditions with excellent results.


microHAM founder Jozef Urban OM7ZZ, and Joe Subich W4TV of microHAM USA, will loan 7 DigiKeyer II interface units. Along with our Lenovo T410 laptops and N1MM+ we’ll have a fully integrated state-of-the-art networked logging environment.


Billy McFarland GM0OBX donated custom made interface cable sets for the DigiKeyer II interface units.


We are happy to have Wayne Mills N7NG and DX-University as a corporate sponsor.

Northern California DX Foundation

In addition to their generous financial support, the NCDXF will loan us several sets of band pass filters.

Array Solutions

Jay Terleski WX0B is providing a Shared Apex Loop Antenna and offered other support, as required.

6 Meter Antenna

We thank Istvan (Pista) Kolcsey HA0DU for providing a 7 element 6 meter beam.

We will announce additional corporate sponsors as agreements are completed.

Corporate sponsors are crucial to the success of a major DX-pedition. Without their donations, equipment loans and technical support the project cost and complexity would increase dramatically. We appreciate their generosity and willingness to support our projects. All DXers and contesters owe these and our previously announced corporate sponsors and partners a big THANK YOU.  

Please direct any questions to:

Team Chesterfield 2015

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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC