Chesterfield Island DXpedition, 2015 (OC-176)

Press Release #6

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Moving - Equipment ready to ShipThe equipment, ~2,400 pounds (1,090kg) on 4 pallets is on the way to New Zealand, scheduled delivery August 26th, and the Advance Team will soon begin their journey to Auckland. They’ll meet the boat at Bayswater Marina and transfer equipment from storage to the boat. On September 16th the boat sails for Noumea, New Caledonia to collect the team and will sail for Chesterfield Island on September 28th. We expect to land on Oct. 1st and begin setting up the operating camps. On August 5th the skipper reviewed and approved our dates and landing plan.

New Corporate Sponsor

We thank Bob Hardie W5UQ of Expert Linears America, LLC ( for his support of TX3X.  Bob is providing the new, lightweight, SPE EXPERT 1K-FA solid state amplifier.  Meeting Bob and his wife Elva at Friedrichshafen, Germany, they immediately offered their support to TX3X.

The Boat

Evohe recently underwent inspection and overhaul. A new generator was installed as well as other systems updated. She’s back in the water with her Class B transponder transmitting position reports, currently in Dunedin, New Zealand. You can follow our journey at

Operating Principles

As previously announced, we’ll be operating 10 - 160, SSB, CW and RTTY. We’ll have 6 meter capability, conditions permitting we will try to allocate time to that band. Martti Laine OH2BH and Wayne Mills N7NG are providing advice on operating plans and recommending techniques for pile-up management.

North Cook and Tuvalu DX-peditions

E51MQT & E51MKW – North Cooks DX-pedition and the T2GC DX-pedition will be operating during TX3X. Please see our operating frequencies to minimize confusion, make sure you know which team you are calling. Listen to the operator’s instructions.

Getting in the log

Follow the DX Code of Conduct and the operating guidelines posted at and getting in the log should be relatively easy.

Global Pilot Team

After we sail for the island we’ll have limited access to the Internet. Please direct your questions, concerns or comments to the pilot for your geography listed on  Chief Pilot, Ralph W4HK, will consolidate, summarize and forward your comments to the team. Look to the DX bulletins for regular updates from the island.

And finally, so many people have helped us throughout the project that it's impossible to thank everyone here. However, we owe a special THANKS to our financial supporters the: clubs, foundations and individuals. Thanks for your continued support of our projects; we'll see you in the pile-ups.

And for those that would like to support us your contribution to PayPal: is appreciated.

TX3X Team Chesterfield and the Perseverance DX Group

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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC