Chesterfield Island DXpedition, 2015 (OC-176)

Update #2

on .

Evohe at Auckland's Bayswater MarinaAfter a year of heads down project planning, budgeting and equipment procurement TX3X will soon be on the air.  

Chesterfield Island is now Clublog's Most Wanted #21.

As of Thursday 10 Sept, the Advance Team is either in New Zealand, or en route.

Evohe's skipper, Steve Kafka, is at Auckland's Bayswater Marina preparing to load our equipment between 13 - 15 Sept. His position is visible at: or at by searching on Evohe, New Zealand.  

It's not too late to make a donation through the Donate button at   For those processing a donation through before we sail on 28 Sept - LoTW uploads will be processed while we're on the island. All other donors will receive their LoTW upload on a priority basis. OQRS will be available shortly after the DX-pedition is completed.

Chesterfield Islands 2015 Team

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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC