Chesterfield Island DXpedition, 2015 (OC-176)

Update #3

on .

The Expedition Yacht Evohe sailed for Noumea, New Caledonia on Thursday afternoon (New Zealand time). Expected sailing duration 6 – 7 days. Aboard the boat is a crew of 5 and one amateur, Pista HA5AO. She’s following the New Zealand northeast coast and will soon be on a course to Noumea. The remainder of the radio team will assemble in Noumea between 25 – 26 September, with a planned departure date to Chesterfield on 28 September.

We appreciate the support we’ve received from around the world, and especially from the New Zealand firms and individuals that assisted with the project and provided invaluable support.

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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC