Chesterfield Island DXpedition, 2015 (OC-176)

TX3X Chesterfield Islands DX-pedition Financial Summary (USD)

on .

thumb accountingIn the spirit of DX-pedition financial transparency the Perseverance DX Group leadership team is releasing this financial summary of the TX3X DX-pedition to donor clubs and foundations.

The project’s actual cost was less than 2% above the initial estimate.

A stronger US Dollar helped offset the effects of currency exchange and close budget management was a contributing factor.

Estimated DX-pedition cost $150,000
Actual DX-pedition cost $152,640
All donations, OQRS gross, equipment sale $74,100
Operator Fee (12 ops) $78,540
Major expense items  
Boat $99,945
Shipping $19,904
Tents / Generators / Power grid $9,495
PayPal / Bank Fees $2,854
Antennas $2,852
I/T - network $2,305
*Misc $15,285

*Misc includes:

- Island supplies
- Bottled water
- Tables / chairs / cots / lighting
- Tools
- QSL Card printing / postage / labels / envelops
- Buro fees
- Generator fuel / oil
- Inmarsat satellite time
- Web hosting
- ATA Carnet
- Truck fuel / trailer rental
- Rope/tent flooring/staking
- Halliburton case inserts
- Fuel drums

Excess equipment sold:

- Generators – power grid
- Laptops

Equipment donated to New Zealand Boy / Girl Scouts (North Shore)

- Tents
- Tables / chairs / cots
- Fire extinguishers
- Misc camp items

We implemented an Express LoTW option for a fee of $1.50. Express LoTW represented 21.5% of all OQRS confirmation requests.

Each team member paid their own New Caledonia travel / living expenses. However, we did reimburse a portion of the advance team’s hotel and meal expenses for their time in New Zealand where they accepted the shipments, purchased locally sourced equipment and loaded/unloaded the boat.

We appreciate the support of the many DX organizations and corporate sponsors. Over 600 individual donations were received through the website and many more through OQRS.

DX-peditions won't happen without help, our projects are no exception. We appreciate the confidence the DX community has shown to the PDXG and look forward to planning our next project, T31 Kanton Island DX-pedition 2017 .

Gene K5GS
TX3X Treasurer

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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC