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Chesterfield Island DXpedition, 2015 (OC-176)

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HA5AO, Pista

ha5aoPista was born in 1951. He was radio operator in the military between 1971 and 1973. In 1973 he joined HA5KHT club station and was a very active member of the contest team until 1990. In 1976 he was licensed as HA7VT and changed to HA5AO in 1984. Due to professional commitments, he wasn't active between 1990 and 2004. Pista is back on the air since 2004 and active on HF bands (mainly CW).
He is DX enthusiast and member of the A1 Operator Club, INDEXA, CDXC, ODXG, EUDXF, PDXG.
DX peditions: T88CI (2008, 2009), 7P8AO (2009, 2010), YJ0HA (2010), C21HA (2012) and member of ZL9HR team in 2012, 9M4SLL in 2013 and VK9MT in 2014.

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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC