QSL policy


We are using a “shared responsibility” model for QSL management. Our fully integrated Log Search / OQRS / QSL management application was developed by our team. All OQRS submissions are automatically processed and queued for printing and/or LoTW upload. Your cards mailed to the Direct QSL address will be handled by the management team.
All cards will be dispatched from the United Kingdom.
After the DX-pedition:  Busted Calls, Not in Log and Missing Calls will be handled on an individual basis, see below.

Early donors:
Any individual making a donation before we sail will receive LoTW confirmation while we are on the island. You do not have to request this early upload.
OQRS will be available after the DX-pedition
          Express LoTW:
via Paypal is $1.50(USD) (no QSL card)
Processed within 48 hours for unlimited confirmations, no QSL card will be sent.
         Direct QSL + LotW:
Unlimited confirmations per call sign
Payment via PayPal  $5.00(USD), mailed anywhere in the world
         Bureau QSL:
Bureau cards $2(USD) via OQRS only. Use OQRS to submit your QSO details for a bureau card. This is the fastest way to receive a bureau card.
Do not send us YOUR QSL card via the Bureau!
Buro cards will be mailed 12 months “after” OQRS Direct QSLs are mailed.
Direct mail QSL:
$5.00(USD) mailed anywhere in the world.
Only include requests for Chesterfield, any others will be discarded.

Tim Beaumont M0URX
83 Limbrick Avenue
Tile Hill
Coventry West Midlands
Please include a Self Addressed Envelope 114mm x 162mm .
NO Euro coins please !!!
NO postage stamps accepted.
Confirmation requests received with insufficient funds will be returned via the Buro.
LoTW will be uploaded a minimum of 6 months after OQRS and Direct QSLs are mailed.
We do not require YOUR QSL card Via the Bureau. Please help save Bureau costs. Only use the Online QSL Request System (OQRS).
Donations of $50(USD) or more:
Any person donating US$50 or more to Chesterfield 2015 DX-pedition, will automatically receive the QSL for all QSOs, free of charge. These donors do not need to request QSL cards or take any action to receive the QSL. The QSL manager will post these cards to all $50 donors as soon as the cards are ready.

Donations of $200(USD) or more:
Any person donating $200(USD) or more will receive a memento from the team and be identified as a Premier Donor on the web site.
All donors will receive our newsletter “The Insider”.
Busted Calls - Not in Log - Missing Calls:
Please check your computer date / time before asking us to research the problem:
Send an e-mail to: Tim Beaumont M0URX
Include for each QSO in question:
    Your call sign
    Date / Time
We will research the problem and get back to you as soon as possible.


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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC