Stations setup



  • 7 Elecraft K3 transceivers +1 backup
  • 7 Elecraft KPA-500 linear amplifiers + 1 backup
  • 7 P3 Panadapters
  • 2 Expert 1.3K-FA linear amplifiers
  • 7 microHAM DigiKEYER II interfaces + 1 backup
  • 2 sets of high power band pass filters
  • 7 Head sets, Radiosport RSC60CF
  • N1MM Logger+ software on laptop computers


  • 4 EVA-52K Evolution VerticalTM 2 element rotatable arrays for 20-17-15-12-10m bands
  • 2 EVA-432K Evolution VerticalTM 2 element rotatable arrays for 40-30-20m bands
  • 1 Battle Creek Special for 160-80-40m bands
  • 1 Inverted U vertical (VK9GMW) with auto tuner for 160-80-40m bands
  • 2 2 elements SteppIR beam, 20-17-15-12-10-6m bands, on ROHN H50  telescoping masts
  • 1 7 elements yagi for 6m on ROHN H50  telescoping masts
  • 3 Folding hexbeam, 20-17-15-12-10-6m bands
  • 1 AS-SAL-30 Shared Apex Loop array receving antenna for 160-80-40m bands
  • 1 Shielded Magnetic Receive-Only Loop antenna


Power Distribution plan
CW Tent Antenna Distribution
SSB Ant Distribution


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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC