Operating frequencies

We will transmit on the QRGs ± QRM, as  follows,

{supertable table transpose}
{active 5}
{headcols 1 20}
{headrows 1}
{rowheight 1 45px}


Band/Mode  CW  SSB  RTTY
 160 m
 80 m
 40 m
    7,010    7,090    7,045
 30 m
10,110     10,142
 20 m
  14,023   14,185   14,080
 17 m
  18,069   18,130   18,100
 15 m
  21,023   21,285   21,080
12 m
  24,891   24,955   24,910
 10 m
  28,023   28,485   28,080
6 m 50,101    



We are working SPLIT only! Please pay attention to the SPLIT MODE!
CW :     UP 2-10
SSB :    UP 5-15
RTTY :  UP 2-10

We are listening to US Genarals on 14.280 and UP
We are listening to JA stations DOWN 2-3 kHz on 160 m.



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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:09 UTC