Privacy statement


The Chesterfield Islands 2015 DX-pedition team respects the privacy of every visitor to our website. Your privacy is a priority, and we go to great lengths to protect it. This Internet Site Privacy Policy explains our online information practices. This Policy may be changed or updated from time to time. By visiting our web site you accept the practices described in this Policy.

Data Collection:

Through our website, we offer you convenient online access to our team members and communicate with you about the project. We will not collect personal information from you when you visit our website unless you provide the information to us voluntarily and knowingly.

When making a donation to us we ask for your name and contact information. Depending upon the activity, we may forward you to PayPal.

Making a financial contribution:

When you make a financial contribution online, we collect your name, and contact information. You may declare your contribution as anonymous, in which case your name will not be published on our web site.


A cookie is a small text file used by many Internet applications for tracking and other purposes. We do not use cookies.

Is My Credit Card Information Secure?

We do not collect credit card information, we will never ask you for credit card information. You will be connected to PayPal for making your donation. We have no visibility to your PayPal activity. We only receive a standard PayPal notification after you complete the PayPal transaction.  You can make financial contributions online by PayPal or by regular mail.

Is My Personal Information Secure?

We use the same security measures and industry-standard security protocols.

How We Use Your Information:

The Chesterfield Islands 2015 DX-pedition team not sell, trade, or share personal information about our financial donors with anyone else, nor will we send mailings to our financial donors on behalf of other organizations, unless a donor has given us specific permission to do so. If you need to contact us to review your information or make corrections please send email.

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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC