Chesterfield Island DXpedition, 2015 (OC-176)

Press Release #2

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2015 / 2016 are shaping up to be one of the best ever DX-pedition seasons. Along with the skipper of Evohe we developed our tentative sailing schedule. We will ship equipment to Auckland, New Zealand where the boat will be loaded and sail for Noumea, New Caledonia. Sailing in the Coral Sea is always a challenge, avoiding the cyclone season is a top priority.











The following individuals were added to the team:

Steve Dyer W1SRD
Ross Forbes K6GFJ
Kevin Rowett K6TD
Team members previously committed include: Pista HA5AO, Les W2LK, Mike WA6O and Gene K5GS.  Additional team members will be added. Interested in joining the team? Please e-mail:

Landing Permit

After some initial confusion we confirmed that a landing permit is not required for DXCC purposes. We will provide the ARRL DXCC desk photos with GPS coordinates and a copy of the ship’s log when we drop anchor.

QSL Management

We will manage our own QSLs.  Partnering with a well known QSL manager we wrote a fully integrated cloud based: Log Search – OQRS – QSO management application: that delivers the familiar user functions plus an integrated approach to QSL label management and LoTW management.  Working from a single cloud data base the QSL team’s workload and manual tasks will be greatly reduced.

TX3X License

Our license application for TX3X was submitted and received in New Caledonia. The process requires the application be forwarded to and processed by the ANFR in France. We are being assisted by New Caledonia resident Remi Touzard FK8CP. We are well ahead of the usual license processing time which is typically months.  So, until the official license arrives we will refer to TX3X as “pending”.

Equipment Consolidation Location

Our equipment will be shipped to Auckland, New Zealand and placed in secure storage. We‘ll load the boat at the Bayswater Marina which is located across the harbor between Auckland suburbs of Devonport and Takapuna.

Project Cost

The preliminary budget for this DX-pedition is ~$150,000(USD). As with any DX-pedition that requires a boat charter team safety is the top priority. We are using a known boat and skipper.  We encourage support from worldwide individual DXers, DX clubs and DX foundations.

Our goal is to cover 50% of the total cost through donations. The team members will pay their own travel / living expenses and will cover the difference between total cost and donations received. At the end of the project we will provide club and foundation donors with a financial summary.

Please direct any questions to:

Team Chesterfield 2015

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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC