Chesterfield Island DXpedition, 2015 (OC-176)

Press Release #3

on .

Congratulations to the K1N team, they did an outstanding job under difficult conditions.

TX3X License

It’s official! The documents were received on February 4th granting us the call sign TX3X.

On-Island Team

With the addition of Arnie N6HC we completed staffing the on-island team. Arnie, a well known DX-peditoner, has participated on the following DX-peditions: K7C-Kure atoll (2005), 3B7C- St. Brandon Island (2007), TX5C- Clipperton Island (2008), K4M-Midway Island (2009), T31A- Kanton atoll, Central Kiribati (2011), T32C- Christmas Island, Eastern Kiribati (2011), NH8S-Swains Island (2012), T33A-Banaba (2013) and FT5ZM-Amsterdam Island (2014). In addition to his radio operator responsibilities Arnie will be our team doctor.

Corporate Sponsors

Signing on as a sponsor is: DX-Engineering
DX-Engineering has been a long time sponsor of DX-peditions and the DX community. Several other firms have offered their products and services. As we work through the equipment requirements we’ll submit our requirements to these generous potential sponsors.


We kicked off our fundraising activities on January 18th. We're pleased to report significant contributions from the: Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF), Oceania DX Group (ODXG), International DX Association (INDEXA), German DX Foundation (GDXF) and the UK DX Foundation (CDXC).

To date we also received support from: Lone Star DX Association, LA DX Group, Mediterraneo DX Club, Danish DX Group, Long Island DX Association, Nippon DX, and the Lynx DX Group.   We appreciate these early supporters of the project, and of course, we appreciate the support from our individual donors.

Log Search – OQRS Software Project

Our software has been updated with the latest (and final) enhancements with regression testing underway. The user interface will look familiar to anyone that has ever used an OQRS application. The QSL management back end functions are working as designed and will significantly reduce the labor associated with processing OQRS, Direct and Buro requests, including LoTW. We have a list of additional enhancements that will be considered after the TX3X project.

Chesterfield Islands Most wanted Position

Chesterfield Islands were bumped to Number 23 Most Wanted in Clublog.


Freight forwarding firms and customs brokers have been identified and contacted. We also connected with a Carnet firm that will process the mandatory detailed and complex paperwork when shipping internationally.

Please direct any questions to:

Team Chesterfield 2015

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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC