Chesterfield Island DXpedition, 2015 (OC-176)

Press Release #4

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The TX3X project is progressing well. Eleven of the twelve team members met at the International DX Convention, Visalia. We are pleased to make several significant announcements.

On-Island Team:

Invariably, scheduling a DX-pedition requires team members to make commitments which sometimes conflict with unforeseen business / family activities.  Joining the team:

David Greenhut N6HD

An active DXer and contester, David first earned his Novice license call WN6ICK in 1974, he now holds an Amateur Extra license. His amateur radio interests are DX, contesting and emergency communications. He enjoys building his amateur radio station, working new countries and serving the community. David's current station is an Icom 756 Pro III, Henry Amp., 4 element Steppir with a single 40 meter trombone element, 80 meter dipole, 160 meter series/shunt loaded 60 foot tower and various VHF/UHF equipment. Previous DX operations include: 2013 T33A Banaba Island, 2012 NH8S Swains Island, 2011 4X/N6HD, and TG7/N6HD - KH6/N6HD.

Press Release #3

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Congratulations to the K1N team, they did an outstanding job under difficult conditions.

TX3X License

It’s official! The documents were received on February 4th granting us the call sign TX3X.

On-Island Team

With the addition of Arnie N6HC we completed staffing the on-island team. Arnie, a well known DX-peditoner, has participated on the following DX-peditions: K7C-Kure atoll (2005), 3B7C- St. Brandon Island (2007), TX5C- Clipperton Island (2008), K4M-Midway Island (2009), T31A- Kanton atoll, Central Kiribati (2011), T32C- Christmas Island, Eastern Kiribati (2011), NH8S-Swains Island (2012), T33A-Banaba (2013) and FT5ZM-Amsterdam Island (2014). In addition to his radio operator responsibilities Arnie will be our team doctor.

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Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC