Chesterfield Island DXpedition, 2015 (OC-176)

Update #6

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ready to set sailThe team will board the boat at 10:30AM, Monday Sept 28th. The skipper plans to be at Customs and Immigration earlier in the morning to clear the boat for sailing. Barring any delays we will leave as soon as possible. Being the first workday after a 4 day holiday we are hoping the formalities can be processed quickly and we'll be underway.

Please use the Pilot for your geography to send comments to the team.

Good luck to all that need Chesterfield, we'll see you in the pile-ups.

Update #5

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The full team is now in Noumea with the remaining ops having arrived late Saturday afternoon. They checked into the hotel and then walked (15 minutes) to the boat to meet the crew.

We plan to sail on Monday 28 Sept after Customs and Immigration formalities, expect 3 days+/- to reach the island.

The TX3X license is valid for a 15 day period.  To allow for flexibility with the license dates we do NOT plan to operate /MM with that call sign on the way to the island. Individual ops may operate with their call sign /MM.

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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC