Chesterfield Island DXpedition, 2015 (OC-176)

Press Release #2

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2015 / 2016 are shaping up to be one of the best ever DX-pedition seasons. Along with the skipper of Evohe we developed our tentative sailing schedule. We will ship equipment to Auckland, New Zealand where the boat will be loaded and sail for Noumea, New Caledonia. Sailing in the Coral Sea is always a challenge, avoiding the cyclone season is a top priority.











Press Release

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250px-Karta NC Iles ChesterfieldThe Perseverance DX Group is pleased to announce their intention to conduct a DX-pedition to the Chesterfield islands, currently number 25 most wanted on Clublog. Initial planning has begun for an expedition later in 2015.

The expedition yacht Evohe from Dunedin, New Zealand will provide the transportation to the island. Subject to licensing and landing permit formalities, it is expected a team of up to 12 operators will be on the island for up to 12 days. The team will sail from Noumea, New Caledonia.

Team members, who have committed, to date, include: Pista HA5AO, Les W2LK, Heye DJ9RR, Norbert DJ7JC, Mike WA6O and Gene K5GS. Additional team members will be added throughout the planning phase.

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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC