Online Donation

If you wish to support the our DX pedition to Chesterfield Island, please complete the form below. Your callsign and name will be added automatically to the Individual Contributors list, unless anonymity preferred, than you will be redirected to the PayPal secure site to completing your on-line contribution from your Paypal account or by credit card. Donations are also welcomed by check / money order in US dollars to:

Gene Spinelli
PO Box 69965
Tucson, AZ
USA 85737

For our friends outside the USA please use Paypal by completing the form below or e-mail for wire transfer instructions icon-email-icon.
You can read our Privacy policy here.

Donations of $50(USD) or more:
Any person donating US$50 or more to Chesterfield 2015 DX-pedition, will have the QSL automatically receive the QSL for all QSOs, free of charge. These donors do not need to request QSL cards or take any action to redeem the QSL. The QSL manager will post these cards to all $50 donors as soon as the cards are ready.

Donations of $200(USD) or more:
Any person donating $200(USD) or more will receive a memento from the team and be identified as a Premier Donor on the web site.
We want to pay special attention to our donors. Anyone making a donation via the web site, cash, PayPal or by check will receive The Insider newsletter, keeping them informed of our project's progress and letting them see what goes on behind the scenes.

Donor information

Donation Information


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Sunrise/Sunset at Chesterfield

Sunrise: 19:56 UTC
Sunset: 07:08 UTC